Pastor’s Pen: May 2017

The Funeral: helps confirm the reality and finality of death. Provides a climate for mourning and the expression of grief. Allows the sorrows of one to become the  sorrows of many.  Is one of the few times love is given and not expected in return.  Is a vehicle for the community to pay its respects. Encourages the affirmation of religious faith.  Is a declaration that a life has been lived as well as a sociological statement that a death has occurred. 

From “The Funeral from Ancient Egypt to Present Day America”

Part of our world ended this past month.  As our family has grieved the loss of our first mother, Donna and for the girls, their first grandmother “the ferry grandmother,” we have been overwhelmed by the support of the congregation.  I know that many of you have been through similar experiences and your wisdom, embraces and words have meant so much to our family.  Thank you.

This death has hit at a time of year in the church where we are continually osscilating between death and life.  Cold weather and rain reminds us of the death of Winter, sunshine and fresh cut grass remind us of life.  Good Friday brings to the forefront death, Easter morning brings us to the hope of not only life, but life eternal.

As we were greeting people during visitation at Hooverson Funeral Home in Sauk City, I saw a plaque that had the following excerpt on it:

We continually face death and life daily in different ways.  Yet the ways we acknowledge both make a world of difference.  I more deeply appreciated Holy Week this year to acknowledge my own death in our family in a communal way and cling to the promise of the resurrection in a profound way.

Through our liturgy, the words and rhythm we share during worship…through the images of photographs or butterflies or lilies….through the connecting with old and new friends.  We support one another authentically as church community.

So as we plant our grandma tree when the ground warms a bit more, we will be reminded that hope will return through the budding of leaves and that grandma’s love will continue to grow with each year the tree grows.  So thank you for ministering to me and my family.


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